Service North 2022 Agenda: The Must-Attend SIAM Conference (Part 2)

The 2022 Service North Conference is just a month away and the final agenda is now available. With speakers and delegates from all over the world we are more than happy to announce that it most definitely is the world’s largest SIAM Conference.

Our 2022 agenda will cover topics including SIAM and automation, experience management in a SIAM ecosystem, the retained organisation, the future of service integration, and compliance in a SIAM environment.

Are you ready for a sneak peek from our 2022 speakers?

Conference Day 2

Conference Day 2 will kick of with Bhavya Godavarthi from Accenture. Her session will look at the importance of automation in SIAM.

After Bhavya, the floor will be taken by Brian Jones from Bloor Research International.

Drawing on his experience leading the hugely successful transformation of fashion icon Burberry’s processes and systems, and the global transformation of IT in engineering conglomerate Smiths Group, Brian will share some of the key lessons learned.

If you want to learn how to improve service using experience management techniques, within a SIAM environment then you must attend Neville Hugles and Mark Bewick’s presentation.

It will also provide practical takeaways when it comes to contracts, tools, the role of the service integrator, and communication to the customer organization.

After the sponsor and networking time, Martin Goble, lead Partner at Tata Consultancy Services will talk about the future of Service Integration. He will look at the challenges facing SIAM as organizations continue to evolve. but as well why SIAM continues to be relevant in new organizational models.

The next presentation will be host by Ronald Israels from Quint and he will talk about the importance of the retained organization. He will answer questions such as what are the main responsibilities and accountabilities? Which roles are needed to perform these? What is the relation of this retained organization to the business etc.

The last speaker for the day will be Paul Kirkeiner from CNO Financial Group. He will present about SIAM lessons from a financial services organization.

The Service North 2022 conference will end with a live panel session. Stay tuned for updates to the agenda and new speakers being announced


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