A Spotlight on SIAM’s Pitch-Perfect Materials

By Steve Morgan – Community Champion

As SIAM (Service Integration and Management) gains popularity as the de-facto framework for managing multi-supplier integration challenges, many IT professionals are faced with the prospect of the need to pitch the idea of SIAM to their leadership.

Recently, we were faced with this exact challenge in our SIAM community, where one of the community members asked if a “pitch deck” existed, that could be used as the basis for those wishing to sell SIAM concepts to their leadership.

At the time, a pitch deck didn’t exist, but the community seized on the opportunity to develop one, using the collective knowledge and experience to develop a solution.

“Having the brains of our members collaboratively working together in the community in our first working group has allowed us to hit this hugely successful milestone. Working group leader, Steve Morgan, was very much aligned with our ethos around creating this content with the community, for the community with no fee. I’d like to thank Anjuska Kyllönen for initiating the question and keeping us focused on the goal as well as the whole team who contributed and our expert leader, Community Champion Steve Morgan!” saying Scopism Community Manager Steph Ward

“In parallel, global thought leaders from the SIAM industry gathered at the inaugural SIAM Leadership Council meeting to take further action addressing more challenges faced in the market. To help better understand the wider, sometimes non-technical topics that drive the typical requirements in SIAM proposal requests, I’d like to thank all attendees and author, Paul Drayton, for creating further pitch materials for “getting the language right” in 5 easy-to-understand steps.” saying Scopism Community Manager Steph Ward.

On Wednesday the 20th of March, we’re pleased to launch the latest SIAM Pitch Materials, available to download from the SIAM Community. Join us for our LIVE launch event with Steve Morgan, Gerry Flanagan, Jonathan Lipton and Paul Drayton to understand more.

“Working together to address common challenges and share experiences enables us to create valuable content for the SIAM community. Following the need for SIAM introduction training, we have launched our latest working group – get involved here. Also, keep an eye on our upcoming events for the launch of our next working group addressing measurement of the service integrator! Watch the kick off discussion here.” saying Scopism Community Manager Steph Ward.

What is the SIAM Pitch Deck?

The SIAM Pitch Deck aims to set out the key questions when considering the adoption of a SIAM Operating Model. 

Why did we develop the Pitch Deck?

The SIAM Pitch Deck was developed in response to a question asked in the Scopism SIAM Community.  The Community members felt that there wasn’t anything available which could help them pitch the idea of SIAM to their managers / customers.

How should it be used?

The material in the Pitch Deck is generic in nature. It will need to be adapted to suit the needs of the user. The user may wish to consult the SIAM Body of Knowledge material which provides further detail on some of the key concepts.

When will it typically be of use?

The Pitch Deck applies to organisations that are considering the adoption of a SIAM model. We envisage that it could form the basis for a leadership briefing, or as a precursor to a SIAM Business Case.

Who will find it interesting?

The deck can be used by anyone who needs to develop their own Pitch Deck but can also be used by those just wishing to get an overview of SIAM.

What are the logical next steps?

Once support for the adoption of SIAM has been obtained, it would be logical to develop a SIAM Business Case and supporting Strategy.  This outlines the approach, timescales, resources and key milestones for the adoption of SIAM.  Typically, this would be followed by the design of the SIAM Operating Model.

How can I get involved with the Community?

The SIAM Community is free to join.  If you have a question or want to get involved in future initiatives such as this, please head over to our community portal and sign up.


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